Meet the Staff



Ihor Yosyphovych Levkiv

Position: School Director

I was born and raised in the Opillia region of the Carpathian foothills. My love for my native language and people was instilled in me during my early childhood and has only grown over the years. I received higher education and a diploma as a mechanical engineer in Kropyvnytskyi, graduating from KISM in 1987. In 1993, I moved with my family to the USA, to Oregon, and in 1998, with the support and help of friends, we founded the Saturday School of Ukrainian Studies. For 26 years now, our school has been successfully working for the benefit of the Ukrainian community and every Saturday opens its doors to almost 300 students. My heart rejoices that our children and grandchildren have the opportunity to study their native language here on the Pacific coast of the USA.

Everything you do, do as if for God.

Orysia Konstantynivna Ostafiichuk

Position: School Secretary, Elementary School Teacher

Bukovyna, a charming corner of Ukraine where I was born, lived and worked, will forever be in my heart. I received my professional education at the Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute named after V. Stefanyk, as an elementary school teacher. I have been working in my profession for over forty years. I love life in all its manifestations. I want to give joy to others, I look for truth in books, and I respect wisdom in people.

Treat people as you would like to be treated.

Bohdan Mykhailovych Paliukh

Position: Vice Principal (Portland), Bible Teacher

The city of Zhovkva in the Lviv region, where I was born, ranks first in Ukraine in terms of the density of architectural monuments. Perhaps, surrounded by these walls of ancient churches, the decision came to study at the Lviv Theological Seminary, where I obtained a bachelor's degree in theology with state recognition. My wife and I are raising five children: David, Rafael, Barvina, Pearl, and Dzherelyana.

I believe that God's Word can best be conveyed in one's native language.

Olga Serhiivna Greeg

Position: Vice Principal (Vancouver), Senior Classes Teacher

Teaching is my path in life. I see myself only in this line of work, and I can't imagine how one can live and not see a child’s sweet eyes, gentle smiles, and the joy of first successes. This is my calling! I received my education at Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University. Specialization - teacher of Ukrainian language, literature, foreign literature, and English language. I have 16 years of work experience.

To find a key to each child. To have good results in work, To go confidently and creatively towards the goal. To give my heart to children with love.

Yuliya Malofiy Gabor

Position: School Bookkeeper

Ukrainian School of Knowledge will always hold a special place in my heart. I came to the USA when I was four years old and was one of the first graduates of our school. I remember many Saturdays spent learning my native language (and many Friday nights spent finishing my homework). I am very grateful to my parents and the school for playing a big role in my ability to read and write in Ukrainian. I received my bachelor's degree from Portland State University and have been working in finance and administration for over 10 years.

Treat others with kindness and respect, regardless of their differences.

Portland Teachers

Bohdan Mykhailovych Paliukh

Position: Vice Principal (Portland), Bible Teacher

The city of Zhovkva in the Lviv region, where I was born, ranks first in Ukraine in terms of the density of architectural monuments. Perhaps, surrounded by these walls of ancient churches, the decision came to study at the Lviv Theological Seminary, where I obtained a bachelor's degree in theology with state recognition. My wife and I are raising five children: David, Rafael, Barvina, Pearl, and Dzherelyana.

I believe that God's Word can best be conveyed in one's native language.

Alla Ivanivna Zhuchenya

Position: Elementary School Teacher

I was born in a picturesque corner of Ukraine in Polissia. From childhood, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. After graduating from school, I entered the Sarny Pedagogical College of RDGU. After graduating from the pedagogical college, I obtained the specialty of elementary school teacher and the use of computer technologies in elementary school lessons. Later, I continued my studies at Rivne State Humanitarian University, where I obtained a higher education as an elementary school teacher and English language teacher. I have 12 years of pedagogical experience in the field of education.

Love the student in any state - talented or not very, happy or sad, calm or restless... Communicate with them, teach and rejoice, because a student is a holiday that lasts as long as you are with them.

Orysia Konstantynivna Ostafiichuk

Position: School Secretary, Elementary School Teacher

Bukovyna, a charming corner of Ukraine where I was born, lived and worked, will forever be in my heart. I received my professional education at the Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute named after V. Stefanyk, as an elementary school teacher. I have been working in my profession for over forty years. I love life in all its manifestations. I want to give joy to others, I look for truth in books, and I respect wisdom in people.

Treat people as you would like to be treated.

Olha Lyubomyrivna Ostap

Position: Elementary School Teacher

Lviv is the cultural capital of Ukraine and my hometown. I completed my master's degree at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. I have experience teaching at a college in Ukraine, teaching children extracurricularly in the USA, and volunteer teaching Ukrainian language to children in California.

Teaching is my favorite occupation. I inherited my love for this profession from my grandmother, who was a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature.

Every child is an individual. As an educator, I try to take into account the individuality and uniqueness of each student in the learning process.

Viktoriya Viktorivna Synyavska

Position: Elementary School Teacher

For me, being a teacher is not just a profession, but a calling of the heart. A teacher, like a master, creates a masterpiece, putting in all the best that will later shine. In 2012, I graduated from the Ivan Franko University with a specialization in Ukrainian language and literature, German language and foreign literature. I'm proud to have been born in Ukraine. God blessed me with the wonderful opportunity of seeing the mountains and sea, the four seasons, to hear the nightingale's song and melodious Ukrainian song. All the beautiful things that my native Homeland has grown in me, I pass on to my children today, because those who know their past can build the future.

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Tetiana Volodymyrivna Pytel

Position: Ukrainian Language Teacher

With Ukraine in my heart, with God in my soul. It was in Ukraine that I received my professional pedagogical education. By profession, I am a philologist, a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, a teacher of foreign literature. I am infinitely glad that I have the opportunity to implement my knowledge, teach and pass it on to children here in the USA. I have countless hobbies: from volunteering and handicrafts to book clubs and organizing. But despite this, I always strive to learn something new. In people, I value sincerity, devotion, and honesty.

I am a teacher! I carry the light of science, I sow seeds of kindness in souls, With all my heart I strive for our students To grow into worthy people!

Olga Lukashivna Gagukha

Position: Ukrainian Literature Teacher

My dream of becoming a teacher came true when I graduated from the Philological Faculty of Rivne State Pedagogical Institute named after D.Z. Manuilsky. I worked in a secondary school in my native village in the Rivne region, which once captivated Lesya Ukrainka's heart with its charm. Working for almost 15 years in the School of Ukrainian Studies, I understand the responsibility that lies with the teacher before God and parents for the education and upbringing of the younger generation.

Not only to teach children but also to instill in them deep Christian values.

Nadiia Vasylivna Babukh

Position: Speech Development Teacher

I graduated from Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University with a specialization in "Philology (Ukrainian language and literature)" (2011). I have 12 years of practical experience in the specialty. I taught Ukrainian language and literature at Chernivtsi Medical College of BSMU, later Ukrainian as a foreign language at Bukovinian State Medical University. I worked on a scientific dissertation in philology. I am the author of scientific and scientific-pedagogical publications, as well as the author and co-author of methodical and scientific-methodical manuals and programs.

"To have the right to teach others, you need to constantly learn yourself."

Liudmyla Anatоlievna Nakonechna

Position: Elementary School Teacher

I come from the picturesque town of Sarny in Polissia, Rivne region. Polissia has always been a source of inspiration and strength for me, thanks to its picturesque landscapes and kind people. I received my pedagogical education as an elementary school teacher at Sarny Pedagogical College, where I gained all the necessary knowledge and skills for my profession. My love for teaching began in childhood, and over the years this passion has only strengthened. Working with children brings me great satisfaction, and I always strive to give them the best to help them unlock their potential.

"It's never too late to learn, and knowledge is the power that opens all doors."

Ihor Volodymyrovych Zybachynskyi

Position: History Teacher

I spent the best student years within the walls of the History Faculty of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, where I received a master's degree with honors in "World History Teacher". Also within the walls of my alma mater, I completed full-time postgraduate studies and successfully defended my PhD dissertation on the history of Ukraine. Then there was a two-year experience of teaching in a specialized secondary school for hearing-impaired children and many years of teaching at state and private universities in Ukraine, during which I managed to get a law degree as well. I believe that studying history by a child contributes not only to obtaining basic necessary information about the main milestones in the development of humanity and society, but also forms critical thinking skills, develops the cultural level of the individual, cultivates true positive human qualities and love for the native land, instills respect for the cultural and historical heritage of one's Homeland.

Vancouver Teachers

Olga Serhiivna Greeg

Position: Vice Principal (Vancouver), Senior Classes Teacher

Teaching is my path in life. I see myself only in this line of work, and I can't imagine how one can live and not see a child’s sweet eyes, gentle smiles, and the joy of first successes. This is my calling! I received my education at Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University. Specialization - teacher of Ukrainian language, literature, foreign literature, and English language. I have 16 years of work experience.

To find a key to each child. To have good results in work, To go confidently and creatively towards the goal. To give my heart to children with love.

Tetiana Mykhaylivna Benedyk

Position: Elementary School Teacher

My native land is the picturesque Transcarpathia. Here I took my first steps and grew up. I graduated from Mukachevo Pedagogical College with a specialization in "Methodology of teaching in elementary classes", later UzhNU with a specialization in "Mathematics. Mathematics teacher". For some time, I taught mathematics in high school. But my heart belongs to younger children. I have devoted 25 years to working in elementary school. The main axiom of my life is to hurry to do good! I love people. Communicating with small children brings special joy. In my activities, I implement various new technologies. I also love to explore nature. I am interested in Christian psychology.

Elvina Ilkhamivna Reveruk

Position: Elementary School Teacher

I received my professional education at Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. By specialty, I am an elementary school teacher and practical psychologist. I have been working in my profession for over 10 years. My qualification category is first. In 2022, I successfully passed the certification of pedagogical workers in Ukraine. I love children. I constantly improve my pedagogical skills.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Olena Ihorivna Liashuk

Position: Elementary School Teacher

Oscar Wilde said: "Children are our future, which lives in the present." Therefore, choosing the path of a teacher and understanding all the responsibility, I strive to help children gain not only knowledge but also the necessary human values that are needed for our happy future. I received my pedagogical education at Rivne Pedagogical University, where I obtained a full higher education in the specialty of "Preschool education". I have 7 years of teaching experience.

"Love, patience, and constant improvement are the keys to successful work with children!"
"Every child is special and my goal is to emphasize the uniqueness of each!"

Halyna Petrivna Liubenkova

Position: Elementary School Teacher

I received my pedagogical education at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University with a specialization in "Preschool education" and obtained the qualification of preschool educator and practical psychologist in educational institutions. I have 17 years of pedagogical work experience. My special features of pedagogical tact are: coming to children with a smile; restraint, patience, attentiveness; showing joy at children's successes; not being afraid to apologize; bringing good energy to children.

"To sow the reasonable, good, eternal in children's souls. To love and respect children. To be kind, cordial, responsive, sensitive to everything alive to every person."

Viktoriya Yuriivna Kyniv

Position: Elementary School Teacher

"I believe that education is not just the transfer of knowledge, but also igniting a passion for learning in students. I received my education at the Faculty of History at Uzhhorod National University. During five years of teaching, I have seen how enthusiasm and curiosity transform the classroom into a dynamic and exciting environment. I strive to create a space where students feel inspired to explore, ask questions, and develop a lifelong love for learning. One of the most enjoyable aspects of teaching is observing how students develop enthusiasm and passion for learning. I put a lot of effort into creating an environment where students feel supported, express their ideas, and develop their interests."

Mariia Viktorivna Andriienko

Position: Elementary School Teacher

I received my pedagogical education at I.Y. Franko Korostyshiv Pedagogical College with a specialization in "Primary Education" and obtained the qualification of elementary school teacher. In 2010, I graduated from Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University and received a full higher education as a teacher of foreign literature and German language, social pedagogue. I have 15 years of work experience. I dreamed of being a teacher since childhood. I love communicating with children, seeing their development, rejoicing in their successes. It brings me satisfaction.

Not everyone can be a teacher, Not every heart can speak... A teacher is only one who can hear, Inspire, teach, and love. To warm a tender soul with affection And sow the field with kindness, To love the whole world endlessly, sincerely And give all of oneself to children.

Mariana Serhiivna Vozniuk

Position: Elementary school teacher

As a teacher in my work, I am guided by the words of K. Ushynsky:
"A student is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit." For me, it's important to be a teacher who creates a friendly atmosphere in the classroom and motivates students to learn. Thanks to this, they will gain knowledge and skills that they can truly use in life.

I received my pedagogical education at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University in Kyiv. Specialization: "Elementary School Teacher".

"The most important thing in education is to give a child wings, but not forget to teach them to fly."