School Policy

The Ukrainian School of Knowledge (USKNW) is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and productive learning environment for all students. Our school policy outlines the expectations for student behavior and academic performance.

Student Code of Conduct

General Rules of Conduct

1. Students should arrive at school 10-15 minutes before the start of classes and prepare their necessary learning materials for the lesson.

2. It is prohibited to bring items that may harm the health of other students to school premises.

3. The use of obscene expressions or gestures is forbidden.

4. Students are not allowed to leave school grounds during school hours without parental consent.

5. Students do not have the right to miss classes without valid reasons. In case of absence, parents must inform the class teacher.

6. Students should show respect to elders and care for younger ones. Students should give way to adults, older students to younger ones, and boys to girls.

7. Outside of school, students should behave in a manner that does not diminish their honor and dignity or tarnish the good name of their parents and the school.

8. Students must take care of school property, treat both their own and others’ property carefully, and maintain cleanliness and order on school premises.

9. Chewing gum and using mobile phones during lessons is not allowed.

10. Students are obliged to complete homework assignments within the timeframes established by the school curriculum.

11. Each student will have a student academic planner (“shchodenik”) where they will neatly record their homework/classwork assignments. Parents should review and sign their child’s student planner every week. Students must present their student planner at the teacher’s request.

12. Students are required to bring their student planner, necessary textbooks, notebooks, and writing materials to school.

Classroom Behavior

1. Being late for lessons without valid reasons is prohibited.

2. Each student is responsible for maintaining the sanitary condition and property at their workplace.

3. During the lesson, students cannot walk around the classroom without the teacher’s permission, talk loudly, or distract themselves or other classmates with matters unrelated to the lesson.

4. In class, students have the right to ask the teacher questions if they do not understand the material during the explanation.

5. Students have the right to defend their views and beliefs in a correct manner when discussing various controversial and ambiguous issues related to the topic of the lesson.

6. Students are obliged to know and follow the rules of safe behavior during and after lessons.

Behavior Before and After Classes, During Breaks

1. Break time is each student’s personal time. They can spend it in a free form, but should not interfere with others.

2. During breaks, students can move freely around the school, except for places where it is prohibited for safety reasons.

3. During breaks, it is strictly forbidden to leave school grounds or play ball in classrooms, corridors, and other places not adapted for this purpose.

4. It is strictly forbidden to open windows or sit on windowsills without permission.

Final Provisions

1. Students should come to school in clothing appropriate for public places.

2. For solemn school-wide events, students should come in festive attire.

3. For violation of these Rules, students may be subject to the following disciplinary actions:
– Verbal warning
– Note in the diary
– Compensation for material damage caused by the student’s parents

4. These Rules apply to all students of the School of Ukrainian Studies.

By following these rules, we can ensure a positive and enriching learning experience for all members of our school community.