Ukrainian School of Knowledge

Charter of the Ukrainian School of Knowledge


1.1. The Ukrainian School of Knowledge is an educational institution – a “Saturday school” – founded and registered on April 21, 1999, as a non-profit community organization in the state of Oregon.

1.2. The Ukrainian School of Knowledge is governed by the school’s charter and the laws of the USA in its activities.

Legal address of the school:
12670 SW Harlequin Drive
Beaverton, OR 97007

Director: 503-807-5899
E-mail: [email protected]

Physical address of the school in Oregon:
11326 SE 47th Avenue
Milwaukie, OR 97222

Phone numbers:
Director: 503-807-5899
Vice Principal: 971-335-9854
E-mail: [email protected]

Physical address of the Ukrainian School of Knowledge branch in Washington:
1933 Fort Vancouver Way
Vancouver, WA 98663
(Driving directions: Intersection of East Reserve Street and McLoughlin Blvd., Vancouver, WA)

Phone numbers:
Director: 503-807-5899
Vice Principal: 503-819-5506
E-mail: [email protected]

1.3. The school is a legal entity with its own balance sheet, bank accounts, seal, stamp, letterhead, and identification number.

1.4. The founder of the school is Ihor Yosyfovych Levkiv.

1.5. The main goal of the Ukrainian School of Knowledge is to teach and educate the young generation of Ukrainians living in Oregon and Southwest Washington in Ukrainian traditions and to expand knowledge of the Ukrainian language, literature, history, and culture to ensure the connection between generations and the transmission of spiritual, cultural, and intellectual heritage of the Ukrainian people.

1.6. The main tasks are:
– To educate and teach children of Ukrainian origin in the USA in the spirit of love for the Ukrainian language, culture, traditions and to create conditions for the development of a personality with a conscious civic position, a sense of national dignity and self-awareness;
– To create favorable conditions for self-expression of students’ personalities in various activities, their full moral, mental and physical development;
– To provide students with opportunities to realize individual creative needs;
– To educate in the spirit of respect for Christian moral values, respect, politeness, truthfulness, and tolerance in relationships with peers from families of other faiths;
– To implement students’ right to freely form political and ideological beliefs;
– To create conditions for mastering a system of scientific knowledge about nature, human, and society.

1.7. The activities of the educational institution are based on the principles of humanism, democracy, the interconnection of spiritual, intellectual, moral, physical, and aesthetic education, the organic combination of universal spiritual values with national history and culture, differentiation and optimization of content and forms of education, scientificity, personality-oriented, developmental nature of learning.

1.8. The Ukrainian School of Knowledge independently makes decisions and carries out activities within its competence, provided by the current legislation of the USA and its own Charter.

1.9. The school is responsible to itself, society, and the state for:
– Safe conditions of educational activities;
– Compliance with financial discipline.

1.10. The school has defined Ukrainian as the language of instruction.

1.11. The school has the right to:
– Determine forms, methods, and means of organizing the educational process in agreement with the founder;
– Develop and implement working curricula in the established manner;
– Receive funds and material values from executive authorities, legal entities, and individuals;
– Retain and use its own revenues in the manner determined by Article 6 (optional provisions) and Article 9 (distribution of assets upon liquidation) of the amendments registered with the Corporate Division of the Oregon Secretary of State.

1.12. The relationships of the Ukrainian School of Knowledge with legal entities and individuals are determined by agreements concluded between them.


2.1. The school plans its work independently, according to the annual work plan. The work plans reflect the most important issues of the educational institution’s work and determine the prospects for its development. The work plan is approved by the Pedagogical Council.

2.2. The school’s curriculum is based on the curriculum of general education schools in Ukraine but adapted to the needs of a Saturday school and the number of lessons per year. Teaching is conducted using textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

2.3. The Ukrainian School of Knowledge carries out the educational process in the form of day, Saturday education.

2.4. Enrollment of students in this school is carried out by order of the director on the basis of a personal application of parents or persons who replace them, as well as a birth certificate. Based on these documents, a record is made in the Alphabetical Book.

2.5. The structure of the academic year, as well as the weekly load of students, is established within the time provided by the working curriculum. The academic year begins on the second Saturday of September and ends on the last Saturday of May, classes last from 9 am to 1 pm. The academic year is divided into two semesters. The duration of semesters and holidays is set by the school’s pedagogical council.

2.6. The duration of lessons at the school is:
– In preparatory classes – 40 minutes;
– In grades 1-8 – 45 minutes.

2.7. The content, volume, and nature of homework for each subject are determined by the teacher in accordance with pedagogical and sanitary-hygienic requirements, taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

2.8. Determining the level of student achievement in learning is carried out in accordance with the current system of assessing student achievement (12-point system). The document on education (report card, certificate, diploma) reflects the achievements of students in learning by semesters, academic year, and final exam. The report card is certified by the signatures of the school director and class teacher.

2.9. The procedure for transferring and graduating students of the Ukrainian School of Knowledge is determined by the Instruction and Order of the school director.

2.10. For success in learning, the following forms of moral encouragement are established for students: announcement of gratitude, awarding with a Commendation Letter, Commendation Diploma.


3.1. Participants in the educational process at the Ukrainian School of Knowledge are:
– Students;
– Leaders;
– Pedagogical workers;
– Other specialists;
– Parents or persons who replace them.

3.2. The rights and obligations of students, pedagogical and other employees of the school are determined by the internal regulations and this Charter.

3.3. Students of the school have the right to:
– Free expression of views, beliefs, and thoughts;
– Protection from any forms of exploitation, mental and physical violence that violate or humiliate their honor and dignity;
– Safe and harmless conditions of education, upbringing, and work;
– Other rights that do not contradict the legislation of the USA.

3.4. Students of the Ukrainian School of Knowledge are obliged to:
– Master knowledge, skills, practical skills, increase general cultural level;
– Take care of state, public, group, and personal property;
– Comply with legislation, moral and ethical norms;
– Adhere to personal and public hygiene;
– Comply with the requirements of the Charter and internal regulations of the school.

3.5. Pedagogical workers of the Ukrainian School of Knowledge can be persons with high moral qualities who have the appropriate pedagogical education, the proper level of professional training, carry out pedagogical activities, ensure the effectiveness and quality of their work, the physical and mental state of health which allows to perform professional duties.

3.6. Appointment to the position and dismissal from the position of pedagogical and other employees and other labor relations are regulated by the labor legislation of the USA.

3.7. Pedagogical workers have the right to:
– Protection of professional honor and dignity;
– Independent choice of forms, methods, means of educational work, not harmful to the health of school students;
– Participation in the discussion and resolution of issues of organization of the educational process;
– Manifestation of pedagogical initiative.

3.8. Pedagogical workers are obliged to:
– Comply with the Charter of the school, internal regulations, orders and instructions of the school director;
– Ensure the proper level of teaching of academic disciplines in accordance with the curriculum;
– Promote the development of interests, inclinations and abilities of children, as well as the preservation of their health, promote a healthy lifestyle;
– Promote the growth of the image of the Ukrainian School of Knowledge;
– Educate students to respect their parents, women, elders, spiritual and cultural heritage of the people of Ukraine and the country where they live;
– Educate students in the spirit of mutual understanding, peace, harmony between all peoples, ethnic, national and religious denominations;
– Adhere to pedagogical ethics, morality, respect the dignity of students;
– Protect students from any forms of physical or mental violence, prevent them from using alcohol, drugs, tobacco, other harmful habits;
– Constantly improve their professional level, pedagogical skills, general and political culture.

3.9. Parents or persons who replace them have the right to:
– Apply to the school administration on issues of education and upbringing of children;
– Participate in activities aimed at improving the organization of the educational process and strengthening the material and technical base of the school.

3.10. Parents and persons who replace them are obliged to:
– Constantly care about the physical health, mental state of children, create proper conditions for the development of their natural abilities;
– Respect the dignity of the child, cultivate diligence, feelings of kindness, mercy, respectful attitude to the Motherland, family, state and native language, respect for national history, culture, values of other peoples;
– Educate children to respect the laws, rights and fundamental freedoms of man.


4.1. The management of the Ukrainian School of Knowledge is carried out by its director. Deputy directors of the school are appointed and dismissed from office on the proposal of the director in compliance with current labor legislation.

4.2. The director of the school:
– Carries out the management of the teaching staff, ensures rational selection and placement of personnel, creates necessary conditions for improving the professional and qualification level of employees.

The deputy director:
– Organizes the educational process;
– Ensures control over the implementation of curricula and programs, the level of achievements of students in education;
– Is responsible for the quality and effectiveness of the work of the teaching staff;
– Creates necessary conditions for student participation in extracurricular and out-of-school work, conducting educational work;
– Ensures compliance with the requirements of child protection, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety standards, safety and health of the gymnasium;
– Supports initiatives to improve the system of education and upbringing, encouraging creative searches of teachers;
– Ensures the rights of students to protection from any forms of physical or mental violence;
– Appoints class teachers, heads of educational offices;

The Pedagogical Council through its activities:
– Is the highest body of public self-government of the school;
– Improves and provides methodological support for the educational process;
– The meeting of the pedagogical council is held according to needs and expediency, but not less than once each academic semester.

– The school accountant manages school funds in the prescribed manner;
– Is responsible for its activities to the state, parents, teachers and the founder.

4.3. A permanently operating advisory collegial body is created in the school – the pedagogical council. The chairman of the pedagogical council is the director of the educational institution.


5.1. The financial and economic activities of the school are carried out on the basis of its estimate.

5.2. Sources of formation of the Ukrainian School of Knowledge estimate are:
– Funds received from the school for educational services.
– Funds from individuals, legal entities;
– Charitable contributions from legal entities, individuals, charitable foundations and funds to support the development of education, organizations, institutions, etc.

5.3. The school has the right to purchase and rent necessary equipment and other material resources, use the services of any enterprise, institution, organization or individual, finance activities that contribute to improving the social and living conditions of the team at the expense of its own revenues.

5.4. The procedure for accounting in the educational institution is determined by its founder and can be carried out independently.

Contact Us

For more information or to get involved:

Phone: +1-503-807-5899
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address: 12670 SW Harlequin Drive, Beaverton, OR 97007

Together, with your help, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of many.

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