Schedule & Program

Literacy Learning

Goal: To develop communication skills, enrich vocabulary. Introduce sounds and letters of the Ukrainian alphabet, teach reading by syllables and words; introduce letter writing, copying from printed text; write letters, direct and reverse syllables, short words under dictation. Develop the ability to observe language phenomena, experiment with sounds, words, and phrases, including in language games, to master basic linguistic knowledge and norms of the Ukrainian language. Develop attention and creative thinking. Foster love and respect for the Ukrainian language, the desire to communicate in the native language.

Expected results:

  • The student perceives oral information, showing attention, responds appropriately, perceives monologue statements (fairy tales, stories, poems);
  • Reproduces the main content of the oral message, draws or selects an illustration, highlights interesting information;
  • Recognizes key words and phrases in oral messages, emphasizes them in their own speech;
  • Pronounces common words correctly;
  • Predicts by cover, title, and illustrations what a children’s book will be about; reads aloud in syllables or whole words, texts that are simple in content and form; understands the factual content of what is read. Determines the sequence of events in a literary text. Talks about their own feelings and emotions from the heard text;
  • The student writes in handwritten letters, fluidly, legibly. Creates small and simple content statements;
  • Correctly writes words that are written as they are pronounced; copies simple sentences from printed text, following the rules learned for formatting them in writing.
  • Analyzes the sound composition of words (number of syllables, stressed and unstressed syllables, vowels and consonants);
  • Adheres to etiquette norms during communication.

Speech Development

Language is an inexhaustible source of mental development for a child, a treasury of all knowledge. The word educates, teaches, and develops the child. Under the influence of language, their feelings, perceptions, and knowledge about the surrounding world are improved.

Develop oral and written coherent Ukrainian speech; observation, attention, memory, thinking, ability to orally logically and consistently convey feelings and experiences. Fostering love and respect for the Ukrainian word is the leading goal of speech development lessons.

Expected results:

  • The student can select words on a given topic, compose a story using given words, learn to listen carefully and answer questions; 
  • adhere to the rules of speech etiquette,
  •  understand the meaning of goodness, friendship, honesty, their role in life;
  •  show love for nature, careful attitude towards it; 
  • can select words on a given topic, tell stories based on plot didactic pictures, compose a small oral coherent statement using support words; composes small statements based on the beginning and plot picture.


Goal: The student possesses mathematical competence, which involves identifying simple mathematical dependencies in the surrounding world, modeling processes and situations using mathematical relations and measurements, awareness of the role of mathematical knowledge and skills in personal and social life.

Expected learning outcomes:

  • The student names the characteristics of objects in the surrounding world: shape, size, color, etc.;
  • Determines common and different features of objects in the surrounding world, compares them by size, mass;
  • Recognizes the placement of objects in space, on the plane, places and establishes order relations of object placement (left, right, between, above, on, in front, behind, next to, more left, more right, higher, lower);
  • Knows the names of numbers up to 10, determines the number of objects in a group;
  • Names numbers in forward and reverse order up to 10, counts objects in the surrounding world according to counting rules, answers questions: “How many elements are in the group?” and “Which in order is a certain element of the group in the given counting direction?” in the process of performing practical exercises.
  • Forms numbers by adding and subtracting one, writes digits, compares numbers up to 10, records the comparison result using appropriate signs.
  • Distinguishes and names geometric figures.
  • Understands the concrete meaning of addition and subtraction actions, performs arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction within 10.


Goal: To teach students to use the Ukrainian language for spiritual, cultural, and national self-expression; to teach students to master various types of speech activity; to be able to express thoughts, feelings, emotions in their native language. To cultivate in children a sense of love and respect for the Ukrainian language. To feel the beauty of the native word.

Expected learning outcomes:

  • The student perceives oral information, asks questions, showing attention, responds appropriately, perceives monologue statements (fairy tales, stories, poems);
  • Reproduces the main content of the oral message, draws or selects an illustration, highlights interesting information for themselves, passes it on to others;
  • Recognizes key words and phrases in oral messages, emphasizes them in their own speech; explains why the information was interesting;
  • Expresses their own views on the subject of discussion; pronounces common words correctly;
  • Recognizes the emotions of their interlocutors, talks about their own feelings and emotions from what they heard/saw, communicates politely;
  • Predicts by cover, title, and illustrations what a children’s book will be about; reads aloud consciously, in syllables or whole words, texts that are simple in content and form; understands the factual content of what is read. Determines the sequence of events in a literary text. Talks about their own feelings and emotions from the read text;
  • The student writes in handwritten letters, fluidly, legibly. Creates small and simple content statements;
  • Correctly writes words that are written as they are pronounced; writes simple sentences, following the rules learned for formatting them in writing.
  • Checks if there are mistakes in the written text on the learned rules, corrects them. Improves their own text with the help of a teacher.
  • Analyzes the sound composition of words (number of syllables, stressed and unstressed syllables, vowels and consonants); chooses letters to denote sounds in writing, taking into account the rules of denoting the hardness – softness of consonants, the sound [й] in different positions of the word, lengthened consonants.
  • Correctly uses a capital letter in people’s names, animal nicknames, and some geographical names (names of cities, rivers).
  • Adheres to etiquette norms during communication.

Speech Development 1st grade

Goal: Development of oral speech of first-graders (ability to listen-understand oral statements, speak and write), formation of elementary analytical-synthetic skills in working with text, sentence, and word. To cultivate in students a value attitude towards the Ukrainian language. To reveal the potential possibilities of the Ukrainian language for life and activity, formation of skills and abilities necessary for effective communication in the Ukrainian-speaking environment. To acquaint students with the world around us, with the environment in which we live, nature. To teach to observe, analyze. To develop oral speech and correct pronunciation through conversations, games, listening to fairy tales and learning poems. To develop the ability to express one’s own thoughts. To teach to love, preserve and use in one’s own life the language of our parents.

Expected learning outcomes:

  • The student recognizes familiar words of everyday use in a familiar context if speech is slow and clear.
  • The student values and takes care of nature, expresses the importance of helping animals and not harming the environment;
  • Understands the importance of helping parents and talks about their responsibilities;
  • Answers questions about themselves and daily affairs, using short, formulaic expressions;
  • Composes simple sentences on a given topic, can write them independently or under dictation.

Mathematics 1st grade

The purpose of teaching mathematics is the comprehensive development of the child’s personality and their worldview orientations through mathematical activities, the formation of mathematical and other key competencies necessary for life and continuing education.

Expected learning outcomes:

  • The student reproduces the sequence, reads and writes numbers, forms numbers in different ways, determines tens and ones in the composition of a two-digit number, compares numbers in different ways (numbers 1-10, number 0, numbers 11-100);
  • Arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction, addition and subtraction of numbers within 10 (has skills of addition and subtraction, knows the names of components; increasing and decreasing a number by several units, difference comparison of numbers (comments on the performance of calculations, understands the essence of difference comparison of numbers)
  • Uses the commutative law of addition in calculations, establishes the relationship between addition and subtraction actions, uses during calculations;
  • Recognizes geometric figures by essential features;
  • Solves simple plot problems.


Goal: To develop the ability to communicate in Ukrainian for spiritual, cultural and national self-expression, to use it in personal and social life; to cultivate the ability to communicate in the native language; to develop the skills of a thoughtful reader and basic spelling skills; to enrich the spiritual world of students through aesthetic perception of works of fiction and media products. To foster love for the native word.

Expected learning outcomes:

  • The student has a stable motivation to read in Ukrainian and a desire to improve their speech;
  • Attentively perceives oral replies and appropriately responds to oral information in dialogue (agrees or disagrees, performs certain actions in response to a request);
  • Uses speech etiquette formulas (polite words); shows initial skills of silent reading;
  • Perceives monologue statements (fairy tales, stories, poems, instructions for tasks, etc.) with a specific purpose;
  • Uses factual content (Who? What? Where? When?) to transform oral information, selects illustrations; conveys heard information to others; tells about what interested them in the oral message;
  • Supports and initiates dialogue on topics of interest, recognizes the emotions of the interlocutor and explains their own reaction to them;
  • Predicts the approximate content of the text by title and illustrations, finds unfamiliar words in the text, makes attempts to explain their meaning; recognizes, names bright, figurative words and expressions in the text, explains their role in the work (with the help of a teacher);
  • Determines the theme and main idea in the text, explains what they liked in the text and what they didn’t, fantasizes based on what they read; reads parts of the literary work by roles;
  • Knows 3-5 poems by heart.
  • Shows understanding of the factual content of the text and the main ideas of fiction and non-fiction texts (with the help of the teacher); conveys the content (in detail or selectively) of the work or individual episodes while maintaining the logic of presentation, as well as taking into account the structural elements of the text: beginning, main part, ending;


Goal: Desire and ability to use the Ukrainian language for spiritual, cultural and national self-expression; to teach students to master various types of speech activity; to be able to express thoughts, feelings, emotions in their native language. To cultivate in children a sense of love and respect for the Ukrainian language. To feel the beauty of the native word and strive to improve their speech.

Expected learning outcomes

  • The student writes in handwritten letters, fluidly, legibly. Creates small and simple content statements;
  • Correctly writes words, sentences, following the learned rules for formatting sentences in writing.
  • Checks if there are mistakes in the written text on the learned rules, corrects them. Improves their own text with the help of a teacher.
  • Analyzes the sound composition of words (number of syllables, stressed and unstressed syllables, vowels and consonants). Chooses letters to denote sounds in writing, taking into account the rules of denoting the hardness – softness of consonants, the sound [й] in different positions of the word, lengthened consonants.
  • Finds different types of sentences in the text (interrogative, declarative, imperative; exclamatory and non-exclamatory) and proves the expediency of their use to achieve the purpose of communication);
  • Capital letter in people’s names, animal nicknames and some geographical names (names of cities, rivers). Rules for formatting statements in writing (capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, period, exclamation mark, question mark at the end of a sentence, rules for hyphenation, separate writing of helper words and name words).
  • Adheres to speech etiquette, norms of communication with people of different ages (classmates, teachers, parents), understands the role of polite words in communication.


The purpose of teaching mathematics is the comprehensive development of the child’s personality and their worldview orientations through mathematical activities, the formation of mathematical and other key competencies necessary for life and continuing education.

Expected learning outcomes:

  • The student reproduces the sequence, reads and writes numbers, compares, determines the place value composition (numeracy of numbers in the first hundred);
  • Adds and subtracts numbers within 100 (has skills of addition and subtraction, calculates mentally in a way convenient for them, checks the correctness of calculations);
  • Finds an unknown component of the subtraction operation;
  • Arithmetic operations of multiplication and division (understands the essence of multiplication and division operations, names of components, the relationship between multiplication and division, uses the commutative law of multiplication in calculations, knows table multiplication and division within 1-5);
  • Increasing or decreasing a number several times, ratio of multiple comparison (calculates, comments on performing actions);
  • Geometric figures, three-dimensional and flat (recognizes and classifies);
  • Simple and composite plot problems (solves, chooses numerical data necessary and sufficient to answer the question, looks for different ways of solving);


Goal: formation of communicative and reading competencies, development of the personality of students through various types of speech activity; teaching students to express thoughts grammatically correctly and stylistically skillfully in oral and written forms; enriching the active vocabulary of the student, improving the ability to use figurative words, improving dialogic speech, laying the foundations of coherent monologic speech. Developing creative thinking, artistic imagination.

Expected learning outcomes:

  • The student is able to understand the content and main idea of the statement, conduct a dialogue while observing the formulas of speech etiquette, build oral and written coherent statements;
  • Composes small coherent statements, describes an object based on a picture, selects expressive means of language from the text, gives correct answers to questions using words from the text;
  • Writes simple own statements independently or with the help of a teacher.


Goal: To form motivation for studying the Ukrainian language; to develop the child’s personality through various types of speech activity; to form communicative skills; to develop the ability to communicate in Ukrainian for spiritual, cultural and national self-expression, to use it in personal and social life, in intercultural dialogue; to develop critical and imaginative thinking, to improve the culture of both oral and written speech, to form readiness for studying the Ukrainian language in the School of Ukrainian Studies.

Expected learning outcomes:

  • The student perceives oral information, understands dialogic and monologic speech;
  • Reproduces the content of what was heard in their own words, determines the theme and purpose of the heard information;
  • Expresses their own thoughts on the content of what was heard, builds oral coherent speech, uses expressive means of language, adheres to ethical norms of communication;
  • Adheres to general rules of writing (writes legibly, neatly formats written work, adheres to paragraphs, margins);
  • Builds coherent texts, retells narrative text in writing;
  • Reproduces the Ukrainian alphabet by heart, uses words from different lexical groups in their own speech;
  • Correctly writes dictionary words, recognizes nouns, adjectives, verbs, correctly asks questions to them.
  • Correctly writes proper nouns, changes nouns by numbers, determines gender;
  • Recognizes the grammatical form of the adjective by gender endings;
  • Distinguishes tense forms of verbs, correctly writes “не” with verbs;
  • Correctly intones sentences of different purposes of expression, uses forms of the vocative case during addresses;
  • Composes a plan of the text.


Goal: To develop the personality of the younger student through various types of reading activities; to form reading and communicative competencies, to enrich vocabulary, to form readiness for studying Ukrainian literature, understanding and love for it.

Expected learning outcomes:

  • The student correctly names and practically distinguishes folklore works, independently distinguishes genre features of fairy tales, poems, stories;
  • Names the main themes of what is read; surnames, names of famous Ukrainian writers;
  • Knows 4-5 poems by heart, several proverbs, tongue twisters;
  • Expresses attitude to what is heard and read (works about children’s feelings, their hobbies, relationships in family, school; about the state of nature in different seasons; attitude to the Motherland, native language, about the life of writers);
  • Reads aloud correctly, in whole words and groups of words at a pace that allows understanding of what is read;
  • Masters and independently applies techniques of expressive reading and recitation of poems;
  • Perceives and understands oral statements, literary texts; answers according to the content of the heard text; names characters, explains which actions of characters are positive and which are negative; place and time of events in the heard text; expresses own attitude to the content of the heard textual information.

Speech Development 3rd grade

Leading goal: Comprehensive development of the child; development of oral and written coherent Ukrainian speech for spiritual, cultural and national self-expression; teaching to use the Ukrainian language in personal and social life; cultivating the ability to communicate in the native language; forming a respectful attitude towards cultural heritage; enriching emotional and sensory experience. Formation of values and development of independence, creativity, curiosity, which ensure children’s readiness for life in a democratic and information society. Fostering love, respect, careful attitude towards the Ukrainian word, desire to speak Ukrainian. Applying an individual approach to each student through the use of innovative methods and techniques to meet the individual needs of each student.

Expected results:

  • The student possesses general speech skills and abilities;
  • Has an appropriate vocabulary, appropriately uses figurative words in their speech;
  • Can compose small texts-narratives, texts-reflections, essays.
  • Tries to use proverbs, sayings, phraseologisms in their speech.


The purpose of teaching mathematics is the comprehensive development of the child’s personality and their worldview orientations through mathematical activities, the formation of mathematical and other key competencies necessary for life and continuing education. To do this, it is necessary to form students’ understanding of the role of mathematics in cognizing phenomena and patterns of the surrounding world; to form students’ ability to reason logically, evaluate the correctness and sufficiency of data for solving educational and practical problems.

Expected learning outcomes:

  • The student knows the numeracy of numbers up to 1000 (reproduces the sequence, reads and writes numbers, presents numbers as a sum of place values, performs addition and subtraction, multiplication and division based on the numeracy of numbers);
  • Possesses table multiplication and division;
  • Understands the essence of multiple comparison of numbers, calculates the result of multiple comparison of numbers;
  • Can find an unknown component of multiplication and division;
  • Applies the rule of finding a part of a number and a number by the value of its part in calculations;
  • Measures and compares quantities;
  • Solves equations, names elements of geometric figures;
  • Solves simple and composite plot problems, problems with geometric content, composes inverse problems.

Ukrainian language 4th grade

Goal: Formation of a nationally conscious, spiritually rich personality who possesses the skills and abilities to freely and communicatively appropriately use the means of the native language – its styles, types, genres in all types of speech activities (listening, speaking, reading, writing); to cultivate a conscious desire to study the Ukrainian language; To form the spiritual world of students, holistic worldview ideas, universal value orientations, that is, to introduce through language to the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people and humanity as a whole.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

  • Attentively perceives oral information; asks clarifying questions according to the purpose of listening; follows oral instructions and teacher’s guidelines regarding learning tasks;
  • Expresses own attitude to the oral message; justifies their attitude to what they heard, based on acquired knowledge, personal experience; determines the speaker’s position, agrees with it or objects; expresses and argues their position;
  • Independently builds oral coherent statements (narrative, description, reasoning, essay) based on observations in the surrounding world, illustrations, given beginning or ending, support words, given or collectively or independently composed plan; uses expressive means of language;
  • Writes legibly; makes neat corrections; adheres to paragraphs, margins of the notebook; writes words in a column; fills in a table;
  • Critically perceives accessible media texts; determines the purpose and target audience of individual media products; interprets messages in simple media texts, reveals obvious ideas; expresses own views on events, phenomena, objects, values presented in the media text; explains whether their own ideas or thoughts about the subject of the message have changed under the influence of the media text, how exactly;
  • Adheres to the rules of pronunciation of words with unstressed vowels [e], [y], voiced consonants at the end of words and syllables before voiceless, lengthened consonants; correctly stresses commonly used words;
  • Forms word combinations with direct and figurative meanings; selects 2-3 most commonly used synonyms, an antonym for a given word, using appropriate educational dictionaries; reveals the meaning of the most commonly used polysemous words, introduces them into word combinations, sentences; explains the meaning of the most commonly used phraseologisms; selects words close in meaning to phraseologisms;
  • Correctly writes words with doubtful consonants that undergo assimilation (просьба, боротьба, нігті, кігті); distinguishes and correctly writes words with similar-sounding prefixes and prepositions; correctly writes words with an apostrophe after prefixes; distinguishes and correctly writes words with prefixes пре- і при-; forms new words using prefixes, with the most commonly used suffixes of diminution, smallness, endearment, etc.;
  • Recognizes nouns with abstract meaning; determines the gender and number of nouns; reproduces the names of cases and case questions; changes nouns by numbers and cases; recognizes personal pronouns among words, asks questions to them; explains the role of pronouns in speech; recognizes the indefinite form of verbs.
  • Correctly intones and writes sentences of different purposes of expression and intonation; finds main and secondary members of the sentence in the simplest cases; composes a plan of the text; builds text according to the given plan uses means of connecting sentences in the text.

Ukrainian literature 4th grade

Goal: To develop students’ ability and desire to communicate in Ukrainian; to educate the student’s personality through various types of reading activities; to enrich vocabulary with epithets, comparisons; to feel the beauty of the Ukrainian word.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

  • Learns to express their assumption based on work with the illustration to the work;
  • Finds answers to questions using the textbook, their life experience and information received in class;
  • Listens to and understands the speech of others;
  • Reads expressively and retells the text;
  • Finds material in the text to characterize the hero;
  • Classifies works into genres of story, fairy tale, fable, legend according to certain features;
  • Distinguishes heroes, narrator, author in a prose work;
  • Knows by heart 2-4 poems, 3-4 proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles;
  • Distinguishes between works of oral folk art and authored works, gives examples;
  • Names the names and surnames of famous Ukrainian writers whose works they have repeatedly encountered in lessons.

Speech Development 4th grade

Goal: To develop students’ oral and written coherent speech, form skills of creating and analyzing texts of different genres and styles, as well as improve the ability to work with various forms of textual information; teach the basics of text structuring, teach how to work with infographics, media texts and create creative projects. Teach how to express own thoughts and emotions, familiarize with the peculiarities of public speaking, cultivate a respectful attitude towards the Ukrainian language and culture.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

  • understands the listened text of different styles and genres, including simple sentences and basic structures;
  • independently retells the text, conveying the main ideas and details;
  • expresses their attitude to the characters and their actions in the heard or read texts;
  • understands and follows simple instructions perceived by ear to perform tasks;
  • expresses own thoughts and reactions to what is heard, demonstrating understanding of the material;
  • performs exercises for the development of perception, attention, memory and thinking to improve speech;
  • understands the concept of “text” and its basic structure in practice;
  • independently determines the main theme and idea in the text;
  • independently creates titles for the text that reflect its main idea;
  • retells the text, preserving the main content and sequence;
  • composes stories based on pictures, using simple description and logical structure;
  • composes a story on a given topic, demonstrating a creative approach and organized writing;
  • creates text based on infographics or other visual materials, organizing information into a clear and logical form;
  • develops skills of speaking in front of the class, presenting their works and projects, using simple verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

Christian Ethics Basics 4th grade

Goal: Formation of Christian moral virtues in students, which are based on faith in the saving mission of Jesus Christ. Presentation of Biblical knowledge as a practical guide for application in everyday life. Acquaint students with the Bible, its structure, show the value and importance of studying the Book of Books as a source of spirituality of the Ukrainian people. Show Jesus Christ as the main hero of the biblical narrative.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

  • Understands the basics of Christian morality as the foundation of universal values;
  • Understands and tries to use Christian moral values in life: truth, piety, goodness, love, beauty, dignity, duty, conscience, honor;
  • Participates in discussing the behavior of heroes of biblical stories, expressing their own attitude to the described events;
  • Knows the moral aspects of the Ten Commandments, the universal moral law: “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12).

Ukraine and the World: Geography, History and Society – 4th Grade

This integrated social studies course is designed for teaching in the junior grades of the Ukrainian School of Knowledge in Portland, Oregon. The course aims to introduce young students to the basics of Ukrainian geography, social structure and select pages from the country’s history. Essentially, this subject is meant to give students general knowledge and understanding in the above areas and prepare them for more in-depth study of social sciences in higher grades or independently with parental assistance.

The program is designed for 34 lessons in an annual cycle (33 lessons + 1 reserve lesson):

Standard lesson planning includes:

– Review of previous material/checking homework

(Classroom work forms: questioning, testing, conducting tests)

– Actualization of basic knowledge

(Classroom work forms: discussion, posing problematic questions)

– Study and reinforcement of new material

(Classroom work forms: teacher’s narrative, joint class discussion, work in small groups)

– Explanation of homework

(Homework forms: completing written assignments, writing essays, creating projects, etc.)

Goal: To engage students in school geography and history, develop critical thinking and information literacy; form an understanding of the continuity of the historical process, the organic interaction of universal, national and personal progress; introduce the history and culture of Ukraine, its geographical location on the world map, the physical and administrative map of Ukraine, recognize the most important natural objects of Ukraine; form the personality of a patriot of Ukraine and the country of residence, with an active life position.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

– Realizes the importance of studying Ukrainian history as an integral important component of world history; distinguishes chronological systems, explains them with examples; knows the names of prominent historians of the world and Ukraine from antiquity to modern times; recognizes the social significance of preserving historical heritage for Ukraine’s successful development; feels pride for the glorious pages of Ukrainian history, prominent historical figures of Ukrainian and other peoples living in Ukraine;

– Has knowledge of the basics of Ukraine’s social and state structure;

– Performs learning tasks that involve operating skills of localizing historical events and phenomena in time and space according to algorithms; understands the concepts of “history”, “archeology”, “historical source”; understands modern chronology, applies time counting by type “BC”, “AD”; distinguishes historical fact, time, space, historical events and phenomena, gives relevant examples;

– Locates Ukraine on the world and European map; knows countries neighboring Ukraine, major regions and cities of Ukraine, names of mountain systems, seas and main rivers; distinguishes main geographical and historical regions of Ukraine;

– Understands the essence of scientific and religious theories about human origins, primitive forms of religious beliefs: fetishism, totemism and magic;

– Can arrange chronologically information and key dates from Ukrainian history;

Ukrainian language 5th grade

Goal: To reveal the importance of language as the most important means of communication and cognition of its role in the history of Ukraine’s development and its people; to develop oral and written speech, logical thinking; to cultivate pride in the native people, their language, culture, stable motivation and conscious desire to study the Ukrainian language.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

  • Understands and reproduces the content of the heard message, responds tolerantly, using formulas of language etiquette, ethically expresses their own attitude to what is heard;
  • Justifies the importance of information obtained in the read text;
  • Composes and formats their own statement according to established language norms;
  • Diversifies their own speech through work with dictionaries and reference sources;
  • Recognizes the main expressive means, uses some of them;
  • Isolates and distinguishes language units of different levels (words, sentences, texts); distinguishes lexical phenomena in their own and others’ speech, explains their essence;
  • Independently composes a simple plan of what is heard.
  • Expresses their own feelings, impressions caused by what is read, their attitude to the people, events, situations, phenomena depicted in the text, etc.; records their own thoughts or information from other sources.

Ukrainian literature 5th grade

GOAL: To teach to value the beauty and richness of the Ukrainian language; to form a culture of artistic perception, aesthetic needs, taste; to develop a sense of artistic word, speech culture, creative abilities, to gain experience in literary and creative activities;

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

  • Perceives texts performed by the teacher and students by ear;
  • Reads aloud consciously, correctly;
  • Independently finds key words in the text, determines the theme and formulates the main idea of the text;
  • Composes a simple plan of the text;
  • Independently characterizes the hero (portrait, character traits, actions, speech, author’s attitude to the hero;
  • Distinguishes types of folk tales (about animals, magical, everyday);
  • Knows the surnames of Ukrainian classical writers (T. Shevchenko, I. Franko, Lesya Ukrainka, L. Hlibov);
  • Knows by heart 3-4 poems, several proverbs, understands their meaning.

Speech Development 5th grade

Goal: To develop oral and written coherent speech, enrich vocabulary and form the ability to build simple plans for future statements; to learn and use the main expressive means of language depending on the situation and purpose of speech. To teach students to compose essays based on their own observations and impressions, express their thoughts and feelings in oral and written form. To form a respectful attitude towards the Ukrainian word and its cultural value.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

  • understands the listened text of different styles, genres and types, including complex sentences;
  • retells the text with the addition of own comments;
  • expresses their attitude to the characters and analyzes their actions;
  • understands and follows more complex instructions perceived by ear in the context of learning tasks;
  • expresses own ideas and proposals for improving the content of the text;
  • performs exercises aimed at developing analytical thinking and creativity;
  • is familiar with the concept of “text” and applies different methods of its structural analysis;
  • can determine the main idea of the text and highlight key details;
  • has skills of creating titles and subtitles that reflect the content of the text;
  • can retell the text, preserving the author’s style;
  • can compose stories based on series of pictures with the addition of details;
  • can write stories on a given topic using a rich vocabulary;
  • develops skills of speaking in front of classmates, confidently demonstrating their projects and using various verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

Christian Ethics Basics 5th grade

Goal: Formation of Christian moral virtues in students, which are based on faith in the saving mission of Jesus Christ. Presentation of Biblical knowledge as a practical guide for application in everyday life. Understand the purpose of writing the four Gospels, common features and differences. Consider the development and spread of Christianity in the book of Acts, in particular through the activities of the Apostle Paul.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

  • Knows unique editions of the Gospels, their significance for humanity. Understands the value of handwritten Gospels in the cultural heritage of Ukraine;
  • Understands the concepts of “human value”, “love for neighbor”, “mutual understanding”;
  • Justifies the important meaning of diligence, human giftedness, finds ways to implement them;
  • Demonstrates the ability to care for others, respect the dignity of another person, adhere to legal norms and moral guidelines in life.

History 5th grade

Goal: To interest students in school history, develop critical thinking and media literacy; form an understanding of the continuity of the historical process, organic interaction of universal, national and personal progress; familiarize with the history and culture of Ukraine, its geographical location on the world map, with the physical and administrative map of Ukraine, recognize the most important natural objects of Ukraine; form the personality of a patriot of Ukraine and the country where you live, with an active life position.

Expected learning outcomes: 

The student:

  • Realizes the importance of studying the history of Ukraine as an integral important component of world history; distinguishes systems of chronology, explains them with examples; knows the names of prominent historians of the world and Ukraine from antiquity to the present; realizes the social significance of preserving historical heritage for the successful development of Ukraine; feels pride in the glorious pages of Ukrainian history, outstanding historical figures of Ukrainian and other peoples living in Ukraine;
  • Performs learning tasks according to algorithms that involve operating skills of localization of historical events and phenomena in time and space; understands the concepts of “history”, “archaeology”, “historical source” understands modern chronology, applies time counting by type “before our era”, “our era”; distinguishes historical fact, time, space, historical events and phenomena, gives appropriate examples;
  • Finds Ukraine on the world and European map; knows countries neighboring Ukraine, main regions and cities of Ukraine, names of mountain systems, seas and main rivers; distinguishes main geographical and historical regions of Ukraine;
  • Understands the essence of scientific and religious theories about human origin, primitive forms of religious beliefs: fetishism, totemism and magic;
  • Can arrange in chronological order information and main dates from the history of Kyivan Rus and Galicia-Volhynia state;
  • Understands features of the state and social structure of Kyivan Rus, concepts of “baptism”, “paganism”, “birch bark letter”, “patrimony”, “graffiti”, “icon”, “book miniatures”, “metropolitanate”, “mosaic”, “cathedral”, “marriage diplomacy”, “fresco”, “chronicle”, terms “baskak”, “horde”, “king”, “khan”, “yarlyk”, “boyars”, “patrimony”;
  • Knows the time of entry of Ukrainian lands into different states, territories of Ukrainian lands as part of different states; social composition of the population of Ukrainian lands;
  • Understands the concepts of “Magdeburg law”, “magnate”, “personal union”, “self-government”, “gentry” “Uniate (Greek Catholic) Church”, “folwark”; features of the state system of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish Kingdom; features of the situation of Ukrainian lands as part of different states.

Ukrainian language 6th grade

Goal: Formation of a competent speaker, nationally conscious, spiritually rich linguistic personality.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

-Attentively listens to monologue / dialogue statements, taking into account the purpose and conditions of communication, features of texts understands and reproduces the content of the heard message, responds tolerantly, using formulas of language etiquette, ethically expresses own attitude to what is heard;

-Based on their own experience and the experience of others, creates written texts of certain types, styles and genres, taking into account the purpose, addressee, own life experience composes and formats their own statement according to established orthographic, grammatical, punctuation norms isolates and distinguishes language units of different levels, distinguishes certain language phenomena in their own and others’ speech, explains their essence;

-Selectively retells the content of the heard message, determines the main purpose of what is heard, recognizes the main expressive means, uses some of them distinguishes texts of different styles and types;

-Composes and formats their own statement according to established orthographic, grammatical norms explains individual corrections taking into account learned rules selects appropriate means of linguistic expression to format their own statement;

-Creatively uses language means, choosing from the proposed variants appropriate non-standard solutions, justifying the choice made.

Ukrainian literature 6th grade

Goal: Development and formation of a literate, aesthetically developed and creative reader with a humanistic worldview, who speaks Ukrainian, reads informational and artistic texts for spiritual, cultural and national self-expression, for enriching emotional experience, creative self-realization, formation of value orientations and attitudes. Improve communicative skills, imaginative, logical and critical thinking, culture of polemics.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

-Knows about the origin of ritual poetry; reads poetic works according to the purpose of reading and intonational features;

-Describes their literary preferences, giving examples of read works;

-Shows interest and ability for independent reading activities;

-Expresses their attitude to the thoughts of others, justifies the importance of information obtained in the read text;

-Determines independently or with the help of a teacher the main idea of the work, characterizes the behavior and actions of heroes, draws parallels between images and phenomena depicted in the text, and their own life experience;

-Characterizes the influence of means of artistic expression on the content of the work; answers questions on the content of the heard message;

-Knows 2-3 poetic works by heart.

Speech Development 6th grade

Goal: To deepen skills of oral and written coherent speech, develop observation and enrich vocabulary with more complex expressive means. To teach building structured plans of expressions, to master various stylistic techniques and apply them depending on the context and purpose of speech. To promote the development of skills to create meaningful essays based on own impressions and express thoughts and feelings in an argumentative form. To cultivate awareness of the value of the Ukrainian language and respect for its richness.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student: 

-understands the listened text with different styles and genres, including texts with complex syntactic constructions;

-retells the text with the inclusion of own analysis and evaluation;

-expresses their attitude to events in the text and argues their opinion;

-understands and follows more complex instructions containing several sequential tasks;

-expresses own ideas and proposals for improving the content of the text;

-performs exercises aimed at developing analytical thinking and creativity;

-is familiar with the concept of “text” and applies various methods of its structural analysis;

-can determine the main idea of the text and its subtext;

-has skills of creating headlines and subheadings that reflect the content of the text;

-can retell the text using complex syntactic structures;

-is able to create stories based on pictures or other visual materials, expanding their content;

-can write stories on a given topic, using arguments and evidence.

Health, Safety and Well-being 6th grade

Goal: To provide students with knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for preserving and improving physical, mental and social health, as well as forming a conscious attitude towards their own life and health, help understand that life is a value given by God. To teach to analyze and choose healthy behavioral options in different life situations.

Expected learning outcomes: 

The student

-Researches and discusses factors that affect health and body development;

-Determines forms of behavior that bring satisfaction without harming one’s own health and the health of others;

-Acts according to the algorithm in accordance with instructions in dangerous situations;

-Is able to call necessary rescue services, reporting necessary information according to the situation;

-Predicts the consequences of their actions in unpredictable and emergency situations;

-Recognizes probable dangers of natural, man-made, social nature and household origin;

-Models the situation of providing elementary pre-medical care in case of injury or poor health;

-Correctly interprets information given on marking signs, packaging materials for safe and rational use of food and industrial products, determines the consequences of social influences on decision-making regarding health, safety and well-being.

Christian Ethics Basics 6th grade

Goal: Formation of Christian moral virtues in students, which are based on faith in the saving mission of Jesus Christ. Presentation of Biblical knowledge as a practical guide for application in everyday life. To acquaint students with the teaching of Jesus Christ, which is set out, in particular, in the Sermon on the Mount. To teach principles of interpreting parables.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

– Knows the moral aspects of the Ten Commandments, the universal moral Law;

– Demonstrates the ability to choose values, show forgiveness, patriotism, courage, wisdom, generosity in life situations;

– Demonstrates the ability to choose values, find a way out in difficult life situations;

– Knows genre features of parables. Analyzes parables, makes problem-thematic analysis of parables, determines their ethical value;

– Justifies the important meaning of diligence, human giftedness, finds ways to implement them.

History 6th grade

Goal: To teach students to think historically and chronologically, to orient themselves in historical time, to establish cause-and-effect relationships between events, phenomena and processes, human activities and their results in time; to develop a desire to respect the experience and values of one’s own and other peoples, states, religions and cultures, to tolerantly perceive and treat the life positions of other people; to cultivate a sense of respect for the historical past and heroic present of Ukraine.

Expected learning outcomes 

The student:

– Finds Ukraine on the world and European map, knows which states it borders, names regions, large cities, seas, mountain systems of Ukraine;

– Understands the main scientific principles of studying the past and knows the main types of historical sources, distinguishes the main auxiliary historical disciplines, understands modern chronology, can apply time counting by type “before our era”, “our era”, knows the periodization of the historical process; knows the main outstanding historians of the world and Ukraine;

– Knows the time of appearance and settlement of the first people on the territory of modern Ukraine, names and locations of the main sites of primitive people on the territory of Ukraine; understands the essence of scientific and religious theories about human origin, primitive forms of religious beliefs: fetishism, totemism and magic; understands the meaning of concepts “Neolithic revolution”, “appropriating and reproducing economy”, “archaeological culture”, “Bronze Age”, “chief”, “homo sapiens (reasonable man)”, “Stone Age”, “Copper-Stone Age”, “tribe”, “council of elders” “craft”, “tribal community (clan)”, “site of primitive people”, “territorial (neighboring) community”; can describe the way of life of primitive people; characterize the organization of society in primitive times; recognize monuments of Trypillian culture;

– Knows the time of emergence of Kyivan Rus and the main dates from its history; features of foreign and domestic policy of Kyivan rulers, main provisions of “Rus’ka Pravda”; understands features of state and social structure of Kyivan Rus, concepts of “Rus”, “tribute”, “lesson”, “smerd”, “zakup”, “kholop”, “druzhyna”, “prince”, “Pechenegs”, “Polovtsians”, “polyuddya”, “Khazars”, “paganism”, “birch bark letter”, “patrimony”, “graffiti”, “icon”, “book miniatures”, “metropolitanate”, “mosaic”, “cathedral”, “marriage diplomacy”, “fresco”; main versions of the origin and meaning of the name “Rus” (“Rus-Ukraine”), reasons for feudal fragmentation and weakening of Kyivan Rus; can place in chronological order information and main dates from the history of Kyivan Rus; knows the time reasons for the weakening and fall of Kyivan Rus and the main dates from its history; history of formation and development of Galicia-Volhynia state; understands terms: “baskak”, “king”, “khan”, “yarlyk”, “boyars”, “patrimony”;

– Knows the time of entry of Ukrainian lands into different states, territories of Ukrainian lands as part of different states; social composition of the population of Ukrainian lands; understands: concepts of “Magdeburg law”, “magnate”, “personal union”, “self-government”, “gentry” “Uniate church”, “folwark”; features of the state system of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish Kingdom; features of the situation of Ukrainian lands as part of different states; -Knows the reasons and stages of formation of Zaporozhian Cossacks, reasons for peasant-Cossack uprisings of the first half of the 17th century; understands concepts of “Great Meadow”, “Zaporizhian Sich”, “winter quarters”, “kish”, “Cossack”, “scribe”, “osavul”, “interpreter”, “quartermaster”, “standard-bearer”, “Cossack council”, “Cossack regalia”, “kosh otaman”, “kurin”, “lower Cossacks”, “registered Cossacks”, “uhodnictvo”;

– Understands the reasons and main course of events of the Liberation War led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky, state system of the Hetmanate, reasons for the “Ruin” and decline of the Hetman state, main aspects of Hetman Ivan Mazepa’s activities, historical significance and main provisions of Pylyp Orlyk’s Constitution; explains concepts of “hetman”, “cossackization”, “regiment”, “company”, “appointed hetman”, “general officers”.

understands the causes and main course of events of the Liberation War led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky, the state system of the Hetmanate, the causes of the “Ruin” and the decline of the Hetmanate the main aspects of the activities of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, the historical significance and main provisions of the Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk; explains the concepts of “hetman”, “poshaktia”, “regiment”, “sotnia”, ‘orderly hetman’, ‘general foreman’.

Ukrainian language 7th grade

Goal: Formation of national consciousness of students, general culture, worldview orientations, creative abilities, ability for self-development; formation of a competent speaker; to teach to use Ukrainian language means freely and communicatively appropriately; to cultivate a conscious desire to study the Ukrainian language; to form the spiritual world of students, holistic worldview ideas, universal value orientations; to develop thinking, memory, creative abilities, aesthetic feelings, self-respect and self-confidence.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

  • Uses Ukrainian as the state language for spiritual, cultural and national self-expression;
  • Selects linguistic and expressive means; possesses means of Ukrainian language – its styles, types, genres; correctly pronounces and writes words, creates their grammatical forms; constructs sentences and texts; adheres to etiquette norms during communication;
  • Answers questions on the content of the heard message, focusing attention on important details;
  • Characterizes features of the text structure, determining the functions and role of language means in it;
  • Analyzes and improves the content of what is written according to the theme and purpose of expression;
  • Creatively uses language means, choosing from the proposed variants non-standard solutions, showing artistic-figurative, associative thinking.

Ukrainian literature 7th grade

Goal: To teach to use Ukrainian language as a means of forming a value position regarding civic patriotism, love for Ukraine, Ukrainian nature, feelings of pride, love and respect for its history, culture and historical monuments, spiritual and family values; recognition of the value of one’s own and others’ health, optimism in perceiving the world. Improve knowledge that language is the treasury of the people’s spirituality.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

  • Talks about literature as the art of words; expresses judgments about the functions of art, its place in human life; 
  • Briefly tells about the creative life of T. Shevchenko, I. Franko; names interesting facts from the lives of other writers whose works are studied; 
  • Knows, retells the content of works being studied; determines their theme, idea, main problems, features of composition, genre features, autobiographical motifs (if any), specific features of national literature; 
  • Explains the conventionality of situations depicted in poetic works, metaphorical subtext; characterizes images; analyzes the role of means of image creation;
  • Realizes the need for developing creative imagination, fantasy;
  • Possesses reading strategies (selective, dynamic, overview and other reading);
  • Groups and classifies material (with teacher’s help) based on certain criteria, generalizes it, draws conclusions;
  • Organizes and carries out activities in a group;
  • Knows 2-3 poems by heart.

Christian Ethics Basics 7th grade

Goal: Formation of Christian moral virtues in students, which are based on faith in the saving mission of Jesus Christ. Presentation of Biblical knowledge as a practical guide for application in everyday life. Consider the main events in the life of Jesus Christ. Understand their significance for modern Christians. Features of revealing the image of Jesus in the Gospel of John.

Expected learning outcomes:

The student:

  • Knows biblical stories about Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry to people;
  • Retells the biblical story about Christ’s Resurrection;
  • Analyzes biblical stories that are the basis of Christian holidays, determines their ethical value;
  • Justifies the important meaning of mutual help, selflessness, gratitude, mercy, charity, volunteering.

History 7th grade

Goal: To teach to think spatially, to orient in socio-historical space, to think critically, systemically, to reveal the interconnection and mutual influence of historical events, phenomena, processes, figures in the context of relevant epochs; to develop the student’s personality through understanding of the past, present and connections between them, interaction between global, all-Ukrainian and local processes; education through history of civic consciousness, oriented towards patriotic feeling of belonging to one’s own country and its common historical, political and cultural values, as well as towards democratic priorities and harmony in society.

Expected learning outcomes

The student:

  • Finds Ukraine on the world and European map, knows which states it borders, names regions, large cities, seas, mountain systems of Ukraine; has an idea about the main branches of economy and industry of Ukraine;
  • Understands the main scientific principles of studying the past and knows the main types of historical sources, distinguishes the main auxiliary historical disciplines, understands modern chronology, can apply time counting by type “before our era”, “our era”, knows the periodization of the historical process; knows the main outstanding historians of the world and Ukraine;
  • Knows the time of appearance and settlement of the first people on the territory of modern Ukraine, names and locations of the main sites of primitive people on the territory of Ukraine, describes their way of life; understands the essence of scientific and religious theories about human origin, primitive forms of religious beliefs: fetishism, totemism and magic; understands the meaning of concepts “Neolithic revolution”, “appropriating and reproducing economy”, “archaeological culture”, “Bronze Age”, “chief”, “homo sapiens”, “Stone Age”, “Copper-Stone Age”, “tribe”, “council of elders” “craft”, “tribal community (clan)”, “site of primitive people”, “territorial (neighboring) community”, recognizes monuments of Trypillian culture;
  • Knows the time of emergence of Kyivan Rus and the main dates from its history; features of foreign and domestic policy of Kyivan rulers, main provisions of “Rus’ka Pravda”, history of formation and development of Galicia-Volhynia state; understands features of state and social structure of Kyivan Rus, concepts of “Rus”, “tribute”, “lesson”, “smerd”, “zakup”, “kholop”, “druzhyna”, “prince”, “Pechenegs”, “Polovtsians”, “polyuddya”, “Khazars”, “paganism”, “birch bark letter”, “patrimony”, “graffiti”, “icon”, “book miniatures”, “metropolitanate”, “mosaic”, “cathedral”, “marriage diplomacy”, “fresco”; main versions of the origin and meaning of the name “Rus” (“Rus-Ukraine”), reasons for feudal fragmentation and weakening of Kyivan Rus; can place in chronological order information and main dates from the history of Kyivan Rus;
  • Knows the time of entry of Ukrainian lands into different states, territories of Ukrainian lands as part of different states; social composition of the population of Ukrainian lands, reasons and stages of formation of Zaporozhian Cossacks, reasons for peasant-Cossack uprisings of the first half of the 17th century; understands concepts of “Magdeburg law”, “magnate”, “personal union”, “self-government”, “sultan”, “gentry” “Uniate (Greek Catholic) church”, “folwark”, “Great Meadow”, “Zaporizhian Sich”, “winter quarters”, “kish”, “Cossack”, “Cossack council”, “Cossack regalia”, “kosh otaman”, “kurin”, “lower Cossacks”, “cossackization”, “registered Cossacks”, “uhodnictvo”; features of the state system of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish Kingdom; features of the situation of Ukrainian lands as part of different states;
  • Knows the reasons and main course of events of the Liberation War led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky, state system of the Hetmanate, reasons for the “Ruin” and decline of the Hetman state, main aspects of Hetman Ivan Mazepa’s activities, historical significance and main provisions of Pylyp Orlyk’s Constitution;
  • Knows the time of inclusion of Ukrainian territories in the Russian and Austrian empires; administrative-territorial structure of Ukrainian lands as part of the Russian and Austrian empires; number, social and national composition of the population of Ukraine in the 19th century, features of the Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood activities, restrictions of the Ukrainian language in the Russian Empire, features of the “Rus’ka Triytsia” activities, features of the abolition of serfdom in 1847 and 1861; can show on the map Ukrainian territories as part of the Russian and Austrian empires.

Ukrainian language 8th grade

Goal: Comprehensive deepening of language study to prepare students for the exam. Ensuring purposeful formation and improvement of skills in all types of speech activities – listening, reading, speaking, writing.

Expected learning outcomes: The student:

  • Formation of students’ ability to distinguish, analyze, classify language facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity, relevance to the situation and sphere of communication;
  • Students possess the ability to form key and subject competencies, use cross-cutting skills to read with understanding, express their own opinion, think critically, creatively and systematically, logically substantiate studied and new material.

Ukrainian literature 8th grade

Goal: To form a stable interest in reading, the ability to imagine and experience what is read, think critically and reflexively, interpret what is read, find authors’ and create own meanings, feel aesthetic pleasure from the artistic word, discover national and universal values, live and act creatively in the conditions of globalization changes and multicultural society, value the achievements of national culture and respect the achievements of other peoples. To form, based on reading experience, conviction in the richness of Ukrainian fiction and its significance among other national literatures. Appreciation of the beauty and richness of the Ukrainian language.

Expected learning outcomes: The student:

  • Understands Ukrainian texts of different genres and styles, uses the Ukrainian language in various life situations;
  • Critically evaluates the results of human activity in the natural environment, reflected in literary works;
  • Identifies themselves as a representative of a certain culture, determines the role and place of Ukrainian culture in the European and world contexts;
  • Gives examples from literary works where problems of a given theme are raised, formulates a coherent statement on the discussed problem;
  • Reads correctly and expressively aloud the text, tells what the text is about, answers questions on the content of what is read;
  • Understands the ambiguity of the artistic image; names and can distinguish different types of images; creates elementary images with the help of words.
  • Awareness of the role of beauty and power of the artistic word in human life.
  • Awareness of chivalry, courage, physical and spiritual strength of our heroic ancestors, comprehends the spiritual connection with the historical past of the native people;
  • Knows basic information about the author of the read work;
  • Reads works expressively and meaningfully, analyzes them, determines and comments on artistic means in them; knows and explains the difference between patriotic and intimate lyrics;
  • Reads 3-4 works expressively by heart.

Christian Ethics Basics 8th grade

Goal: Formation of Christian moral virtues in students, which are based on faith in the saving mission of Jesus Christ. Presentation of Biblical knowledge as a practical guide for application in everyday life. To show that all the diversity of books in the Bible of the Old and New Testaments has a single narrative, the culmination of which is the death and resurrection of the main character – Jesus Christ.

Expected learning outcomes: The student:

  • Analyzes biblical stories, quotes from the Bible, determines their ethical value;
  • Realizes their own dignity and value, defends the idea of universal mutual respect. Argues the relationship between their right and the right of others;
  • Justifies the importance of knowing God’s commandments, legal norms and the need to follow them. Can model life situations on moral and legal topics, analyze them and draw conclusions;
  • Understands that the basis of Christian morality is the commandments of universal love and charity, which determine the believer’s love for God, the spiritual aspect of any activity.

History 8th grade

Goal: Formation of students’ self-identity and sense of self-worth based on understanding the social and moral experience of past generations, understanding the history and culture of Ukraine in the context of the general historical process; instill a sense of tolerance and respect for different views, customs, cultures, ability to find understanding with other people to achieve socially significant goals; help understand that the world is integrating, the history of Ukraine is a drop in the history of humanity. But we must know ourselves, our past: tragic, heroic, dramatic, victorious; understand who we are and where we come from to be patriots of Ukraine.

Expected learning outcomes: The student:

  • Finds Ukraine on the world and European map, knows neighboring countries, main regions and cities of Ukraine, names of mountain systems, seas and main rivers; distinguishes main geographical and historical regions of Ukraine;
  • Is aware of the main branches of economy and industry of Ukraine;
  • Understands the main scientific principles of studying the past and knows the main types of historical sources; knows the periodization of the historical process;
  • Understands modern chronology, can apply time counting by type “before our era”, “our era”; knows the preconditions for state formation among the Slavs who lived on the territory of modern Ukraine; the role of the city of Kyiv in the emergence of Rus; can place in chronological order information about the emergence of Rus, the rule of Rus princes/princess in the mid-9th-10th centuries; history of formation and development of Galicia-Volhynia state;
  • Knows the time of appearance and settlement of the first people on the territory of modern Ukraine, names and locations of the main sites of primitive people on the territory of Ukraine; understands the essence of scientific and religious theories about human origin, primitive forms of religious beliefs: fetishism, totemism and magic;
  • Knows and understands concepts of “Neolithic revolution”, “appropriating and reproducing economy”, “archaeological culture”, “Bronze Age”, “chief”, “homo sapiens (reasonable man)”, “Stone Age”, “Copper-Stone Age”, “tribe”, “council of elders” “craft”, “tribal community (clan)”, “site of primitive people”, “territorial (neighboring) community;
  • Knows the time of entry of Ukrainian lands into different states, territories of Ukrainian lands as part of different states; social composition of the population of Ukrainian lands, reasons and stages of formation of Zaporozhian Cossacks, reasons for peasant-Cossack uprisings of the first half of the 17th century, reasons and main course of events of the Liberation War led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky, state system of the Hetmanate, reasons for the “Ruin” and decline of the Hetman state, main aspects of Hetman Ivan Mazepa’s activities, historical significance and main provisions of Pylyp Orlyk’s Constitution;
  • Understands concepts of “Magdeburg law”, “magnate”, “personal union”, “self-government”, “sultan”, “gentry” “Uniate (Greek Catholic) church”, “folwark”, “Great Meadow”, “hetman”, “Zaporizhian Sich”, “winter quarters”, “kish”, “Cossack”, “Cossack council”, “Cossack regalia”, “kosh otaman”, “kurin”, “lower Cossacks”, “cossackization”, “regiment”, “registered Cossacks”, “company”, “uhodnictvo”; features of the state system of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish Kingdom; features of the situation of Ukrainian lands as part of different states
  • Knows the time of inclusion of Ukrainian territories in the Russian and Austrian empires; administrative-territorial structure of Ukrainian lands as part of the Russian and Austrian empires; number, social and national composition of the population of Ukraine in the 19th century, features of the Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood activities, restrictions of the Ukrainian language in the Russian Empire, features of the “Rus’ka Triytsia” activities, features of the abolition of serfdom in 1847 and 1861; can show on the map Ukrainian territories as part of the Russian and Austrian empires;
  • Knows the essence of the “Ukrainian question” on the eve of World War I; positions of Ukrainian political forces on the eve and during World War I; main causes of the 1917 revolution in the lands of the Russian Empire, dates of creation of the Central Rada and adoption of its Universals, main course of events of the struggle for independence of Ukraine in 1917-1920s, preconditions, nature and consequences of the Bolshevik Russia’s war against the UPR, content of concepts: “autonomists”, “kurultai”, “national-cultural autonomy”, “mejlis”, “independentists”, “universal”, “red terror”; can show on the map territories of the UPR, Ukrainian State, ZUNR;
  • Knows the circumstances of the formation of the Soviet Union and the Ukrainian SSR (USSR), features of the functioning of the state system of the Soviet totalitarian communist state, concepts and reasons for the implementation of industrialization and collectivization by the communist government, the tragedy of the Holodomor of the Ukrainian people, content of concepts: “autocephalous church”, “Great Terror”, “genocide”, “deportations”, “directive economy”, “dependent territory”, “Ukrainization”, “personality cult”, “policy of creating famine”, “appropriation of sovereignty”, “Soviet five-year plans”, “dekulakization”, “Executed Renaissance”, “socialist competition”, “socialist realism”, “Stalinism”, “totalitarian empire”, “Ukrainization”, “grain procurements”, “black board”; status of the Ukrainian SSR as a dependent territory within the totalitarian empire of the USSR; essence of the communist totalitarian regime, features of its manifestations in Ukraine; chronological boundaries of stay and legal status of Western Ukrainian lands as part of Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia; dates of formation of the OUN, proclamation of independence of Carpathian Ukraine.
  • Can establish the sequence of events in the history of Ukraine 1921-1939; show on the map regions of mass famine 1921-1923, famine 1928-1929, Holodomor, industrial new buildings in the Ukrainian SSR, territories of mass uprisings against the policy of creating famine, use the map as a source of information about the distribution of Ukrainian territories between the states of Central and Eastern Europe
  • Knows: chronological boundaries of occupation of Ukraine by the Nazis and their allies; dates of the Act of Proclamation of the Ukrainian State, creation of the UPA, deportation of the Crimean Tatar people and other ethnic groups of Crimea by the communist regime; essence of the Ukrainian question in international politics on the eve of World War II; goals and directions of German-Soviet cooperation from August 1939 to June 1941; role of Ukrainians in the victory over Nazi Germany during World War II; content of concepts: “blitzkrieg”, “prisoners of war”, “war crimes”, “Holocaust”, “evacuation”, “aggressor country”, “mobilization”, “Nazi “new order””, “occupation regime”, “Ostarbeiter”, “marching groups”, “Righteous Among the Nations”, “Sovietization”, “black-coats”;
  • Can establish chronological sequence and synchronize events of World War II in Ukraine and beyond its borders;
  • Knows dates of key events of political, socio-economic life in Ukraine of the post-war period; facts of “Sovietization” of western regions of the Ukrainian SSR and struggle against OUN participants and UPA soldiers; main contradictions of the existence of the command-administrative economy; essence of the imperial policy of Russification of Ukraine; dates: Chornobyl disaster, adoption of the “Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine”, “Act of Independence of Ukraine”, All-Ukrainian referendum and presidential elections on December 1, 1991
  • Knows dates of approval of the Constitution of Ukraine, renunciation of nuclear weapons and the Budapest Memorandum, proclamation of the course for Euro-Atlantic integration; main state-building processes and reforms in Ukraine during 1991-2013; Maidan 2004 and Euromaidan, content of concepts: “multi-vector foreign policy”, “European integration”, “corruption”, “oligarchic system”, “Orange Revolution”, “privatization”, “subsistence minimum”, “shadow economy”, “visa-free regime”, “volunteer movement”, “hybrid war”, “dobrobat”, “Euromaidan”, “crime of aggression”, “lustration”, “Ruscism”, “Russian world”, “candidate status for EU membership”, “temporarily occupied territory”;
  • Can establish chronology of events of the Russian-Ukrainian war; use the map as a source of information about the course of the Russian-Ukrainian war.